FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What is expected of me and my pet should I join?

This is a common sense, common courtesy and respect for a volunteer organization that visits facilities with children, elderly and veterans. We expect our members to use common sense and feel they do not need to be told how to act in public. When you and your pet arrive at a facility, making sure your pet has relieved itself outside and you have cleaned up after it, as you enter the facility you will often find several residents waiting to meet your pet! Usually you are with another member that has already made visits to the facility so introductions begin quickly. Residents will want to know all about your pet. You quickly will learn all you are is their ‘designed driver’ as you simply get them where they need to be. Questions will be repeated so you will soon find yourself answering the same questions with each resident. Simple questions such as “how old is your pet: or “does it like treats” or “how often does it make visits”, etc. can be expected. Respect and common courtesy exchanged with each resident or patient is KEY to your visit.

Is a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certificate required?

Please know a CGC is NOT required

What characteristics / attitude does my dog need in order to be successful in your program?

Basic obedience, well behaved, well loved plus good socialization. Your pet does NOT need to be a 'Rhodes Scholar' to join. Your dog must be comfortable in meeting new people, being in different surroundings and being touched / petted.

Do I need to get my dog enrolled in Therapy Dog Classes?

We do not believe in 'Therapy Dog Classes', be wary IF someone tells you the 'class' is required to be a therapy pet. A training class does NOT make a Therapy Pet. YOUR desire to visit those in need are some of the basics we look for. Many pets can not be therapy pets, their disposition isn't suitable and we understand that, we appreciate your interest but please know not every pet can do this. PLEASE be aware many trainers are 'selling' these classes claiming YOUR dog can be a therapy pet with 'Therapy Dog Skills Classes'. A class cannot create a Therapy Dog, basic obedience is always a good idea BUT many of our Members are 'home schooled and are outstanding Therapy Pets! Many pets cannot do this and that is a fact. Many trainers are making a fortune on these “Therapy Pet Classes / Therapy Pet Skills Classes.” Basic obedience is wonderful IF your pet requires it, many do not. Please never forget, not every pet can be a Therapy Pet. Many simply do not have the disposition for it, YES, it IS that simple.

Are there dues – if so how much are they?

Yes there are dues and they are as follows:

  • Membership with vest: $75.00 / year for the first pet $40.00 / year for each subsequent pet within SAME household

  • Scarf only No Vest Membership $50.00 / year for first pet $40.00 / year for each subsequent pet within SAME household

Are there any specific obligations that I should be aware of?

Yes there are. You and your pet will be required to attend the facility you choose at least once (1) a month. You will also be required to attend one (1) sponsored event per year (if applicable).

Is there any special clothing/uniform that I and my pet will be required to wear?

Yes there are. You will be required to wear the shirt and lanyard that was issued to you when you joined. Your pet(s) will be required to wear the vest or scarf that was issued to them.

Am I paid to make these visits and if not what’s in it for me?

NO you will not be paid to make the visits. You will be surprised at the difference you pet has made! You will also be surprised at how much your life has been enriched. The value of that cannot be measured in dollars and cents; it is completely heartfelt and absolutely invaluable!

Any last things I should know about PAWS and what if I have any questions?

We are incredibly blessed with Members that define caring and compassion. Throughout all these years of blessings finding words to thank everyone is hard. Please know we are sincerely grateful and always will be. Thank you for your interest and we hope we have answered your questions regarding what many have been told. If not please contact us at any time and we will do our level best to answer them for you.